Amanda Corby Noguchi


Amanda’s Mantra: 

“It takes a village!”

Amanda’s favorite proverb is the cornerstone of Under My Umbrella, a company she launched in 2009 to elevate the work of community-based organizations seeking to make the world a better place. A year later, she co-founded the Hawai‘i Food Policy Council – a vital, policy-based voice for building a more resilient local food system. Hungry for a more direct, hands-on impact on Hawai`i’s food system, Amanda created Taste Table in 2012, a unique pop-up that helped revitalize the food scene in Kaka`ako by providing a space for up-and-coming local chefs. Many of the chefs who made their debut at Taste are now nationally-renowned and have gone on to launch successful restaurants on O`ahu and beyond. Amanda was introduced to Hawaiʻi’s vibrant individuals and communities in her early days working alongside documentary filmmaker Edgy Lee. Her penchant for leadership drew the attention of numerous clients and partners throughout the islands until a network – A.K.A. “the village” – of kindred spirits formed around her. Amanda, alongside her life and business partner Chef Mark “Gooch” Noguchi, is also the co-founder of Pili Group LLC and Chef Hui. The diverse community of farmers, ranchers, fishermen, and artisans that Amanda and Gooch nurture has earned Pili Group national attention for its role in preserving and uplifting native Hawaiian culture. As a non-profit, Chef Hui connects the culinary world with their community by feeding people in need and connecting them with helpful resources. Despite the national attention her work has garnered, Amanda maintains that her most important role is being a mother to her daughters Elee and Aki. In her free time, Amanda’s out tinkering in the garden, hiking with her dogs, swimming in the ocean, or cooking with the fam.