Megan Hofileña


“I believe that the most important single thing, beyond discipline and creativity is daring to dare.” – Maya Angelou

Megan’s Mantra:

Before moving to Hawaiʻi, Megan traveled 18 times in one year. An appetite for learning new cultures and cuisines and “eating all the things” fuels her wanderlust and desire to keep her finger on the pulse of today’s food scene. A bachelor’s degree in public relations with a minor in marketing from California State University Long Beach launched her career in PR before achieving great feats, such as securing coverage for her clients in publications such as The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, and Los Angeles Times. One of her proudest campaigns help garner $1.2 million worth of media exposure for The Player Foundation – a nonprofit organization founded by professional golfer Gary Player dedicated to bettering the lives of underprivileged children and impoverished communities. Megan, our lead media maven is dedicated to nurturing impactful relationships in our community. She balances a busy life with yoga and quality time with her pups Beau and Owen, while plotting her next adventure.